SMS-227 Automatic fire extinguishing system
Product Description
The SMS-227 system was created specifically for use in electrical engineering tunnels and rooms, as well as small spaces that cannot be equipped with foam, powder, or water-based automatic fire extinguishing systems. It is also intended for use in areas where clean gas fire extinguishing systems, in particular, must be installed. HFC-227ea (FM-200) fire extinguishing agent is used in the SMS-227 fire extinguishing system. The liquefied gas fire extinguisher agent is compressed with nitrogen to a pressure of 25 bar within a cylinder. This clean gas fire extinguisher is non-conductive, colorless, odorless, safe for human use, and leaves no residue behind when sprayed. After a while of spraying, the HFC-227ea (FM200) fire extinguishing chemical automatically disperses without causing damage to electrical and electronic equipment.
Working principle
The thermal sensor glass bulbs initiate the release of HFC-227ea gas into the surrounding air within 10 seconds of detecting a temperature increase of 68 degrees Celsius. When HFC-227ea gas is subjected to high temperatures, a reaction occurs that divides into atoms that absorb heat and lowers the amount of oxygen in the surrounding area, inhibiting the emergence and spread of fire and swiftly putting it out.
Outstanding features of SMS-227 Automatic fire extinguishing system
High fire extinguishing efficiency
Low fire extinguishing concentration (8-10%) Fast spraying time, spraying completed within 8 to 10 seconds, the fire is quickly extinguished.
Small size, convenient installation, simple system configuration
Environmentally friendly
Clean gas leaves no residue, zero ozone depletion potential

Safe for machinery and equipment
Non-conductive, non-corrosive to assets, internal electronic devices
Safe for use
Does not significantly reduce oxygen concentration, is non-conductive, and is safe to use in areas with people.
Easy to use
Variety of bottles, nozzles and accessories
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Technical specifications
The engineering team will provide advice on appropriate fire extinguishing agents based on the project in order to minimize damage and save expenses.